Feedback and feedforwards help you succeed! (Part 1)

Chitra Somasundaram
2 min readSep 6, 2020

We all need people who give us feedback. That’s how we improve — Bill Gates.

The importance of feedback cannot be stated better!

Feedback is an essential part of any business, industry, field of work or workplace and it plays a pivotal role in encouraging performers and in improving quality and performance. While the term feedback might send shudders down the spine of some, there are others who look forward to it to check for avenues for improvement.

What is a feedback? To put it in a nutshell, it is a reaction to an action. Customers give feedback on products, clients on the vendors, employers on the employees and vice-versa. Giving feedback appropriately is as much an art as receiving it in the right manner.

The essentiality of feedback and the paraphernalia that make it an effective tool cannot be underestimated. There is a lot that we can benefit from discussing them, especially negative feedback! The scope of this series is to touch upon the vital aspects of feedback, feedback analysis, feedforward, and giving and receiving feedback.

Part 1 touches upon 5 reasons why we need feedback.

i. Feedback help us understand where we stand

Without feedback we will not be able to gauge if we are on the right track.

ii. It fuels growth and satisfaction

If negative feedback is taken and acted upon in the right manner, it will not only resolve issues but it will also open up scope for growth for the individual as well as the organization. This will eventually lead to satisfaction for both the receiver and giver of the feedback.

iii. Feedback clarify expectations

We receive feedback mainly because one of the stakeholders is unhappy with the end product or workflow. The feedback given will then state clearly where or what exactly the issue is. This is an opportunity for the receiver to understand expectations and act accordingly.

iv. Feedback increase accountability

Feedback help people to take ownership of their actions, admit their errors and learn from them. This leads to a clear and open communication channel

v. Feedback help avoid potential failures

Feedback can help individuals and organizations to look at possible failures, identify weaker links in the process and rectify them, thereby avoiding potential failures.

So, the next time you receive negative feedback, try to look at the learning opportunities and do not consider it a criticism against your personal self!

We will take a peek at feedforwards in the next part.

