Feedback and Feedforwards help you succeed (Part 3)

Chitra Somasundaram
2 min readSep 24, 2020

Want to be a successful leader? Change your approach!

Change for the better

One of the most undervalued management tools that not only ensures effective preventive action but also makes you a successful manager is the process of feedforward. The term was first used in the management context by Marshall Goldsmith who is one of the top executive coaches in America.


The word feedforward is an umbrella term borrowed from the field of science where it is used to refer to any system that reacts to changes to maintain or sustain a certain standard or environment.

How do you define feedforward in the context of management?

From a management perspective, feedforward is a dialogic process that leads to a sustainable solution to prevent the issues from recurring in the future.

What are the basic differences between feedback and feedforward?

I will sketch the process of the feedforward in a flowchart to help you have a quick glance!

Detailed feedforward process flowchart

I am sure you would now agree that if you want to make optimum use of the RCA you have made, for the PA part of the loop, you will have to use feedforward framework to make the whole exercise fruitful. Note that this process can be useful for analysing issues in any field. It is currently gaining momentum in the fields of teaching and management.

Happy upskilling! 😃

Zentangle courtesy: S. Aksheya

